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Google Pixel 8 Break Uncovers Amazing New Android Overhaul

Google Pixel 8 Break Uncovers Amazing New Android Overhaul

Google Pixel 8 Break Uncovers Amazing New Android Overhaul

An astounding new contort in the adventure of Google's now vigorously spilled Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Expert recommends that the impending handsets could get as long as seven years of Android refreshes.

The data comes from leaker Kamila Wojciechowska, by means of 91Mobiles, who distributed a particular sheet for the new Google gadgets. Inside that is a solitary notice of the new update strategy, which basically states "7 years of operating system and security refreshes."

At present, Google offers three years of Android updates and five years of safety patches, so stretching out the all out bundle to seven years would be an immense improvement. On the off chance that exact, the new update strategy would put Google's pixel telephones at the highest point of the Android tree or more Samsung, which at present offers four years of help for its lead gadgets.

91Mobiles hasn't given any more insight concerning how those seven years are partitioned, yet I suspect the Pixel 8 models will see five years of Android refreshes with two years of safety patches added on top.

It's additionally conceivable that the last little while of safety patches are delivered rarely, which would be at Google's carefulness. The organization has some set of experiences here, the 2018 Pixel 3 line got a last update in 2022, a year after the surefire update period finished in 2021.

Longer programming support is a success for customers and the climate since it implies individuals can clutch their gadgets for longer. Apple has driven the way for quite a while by presenting somewhere in the range of five and six years of iOS refreshes, while more seasoned gadgets like the 2015 iPhone 6S (which can run iOS 15) got a security fix in July 2023. Android cell phone proprietors don't get to see this degree of help.

This has for some time been a deficiency in the Android world. The length of help is conflicting across all producers and now and again, ridiculous. The 2020 like Motorola Edge sent off with only one guaranteed Android update and later refreshed to two after some kickback. When a cell phone can cost upwards of $1000, it should keep going to the extent that this would be possible.

What will be fascinating to see are the consequences of a Pixel 8 teardown and its ensuing reparability score, which hasn't been perfect for the most un-two cycles. iFixit gave the Pixel 6 and 6 Master a score of six and five out of ten individually. While cell phone teardown YouTube channel PBK gave the 7 Genius a score of 5.5 out of ten.

Another chance for Android telephones has opened up since iFixit emphatically dropped the iPhone 14's reparability score due to Apple's strategy of serialization. With another Android support offer that matches Apple, maybe further developed reparability is the other field Google can contend in.


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